Thursday, April 5, 2007

Heart of Mine

Heart of Mine

"Inhuman in the dark, the leather straps...."
David St. John's "Nocturne Melting to Aubade"

Was I ever like the boys
you took to the cabin in the woods?
The spit-covered boys with red
sports cars and wind-blown hair
and expensive tans their dads paid for?
So long ago it was when I first
met you at the Princeton Club,
so long ago that I cannot remember
the trip to the cabin in the woods, and afterwards
you, sitting on the porch chair, stroking the
wild pussy on your lap.
It was so long ago, and yet I
now remember doing you until your
brain fell out the back of your skull
and you lying there, exhausted
with the thrill of conquest
over this small-town boy
with big ambition.

Now there is only the leather belt,
the rubber ball, and your conquests
over younger small-town boys.

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